Kwanzaa December 2003"Should we as ‘Black Christians’ Celebrate Kwanzaa?"

by Evangelist Ron Davis, a minister of Christ Jesus

After what some of these ‘capitalistic Christians’ (if indeed one can be such a Christian?) are saying about Kwanzaa, I thought it would be good for me to weigh in on this question also; should Christians celebrate "Kwanzaa"? Or more specifically should "Black Christians" celebrate Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa has a purpose of bringing the people of color called Black people or African-Americans to a more fully understanding of the horrible of their past and the coming together and learning of their true identity of a people kidnapped from their ancestry land, and their history stolen by those who kidnapped them.

For God knows the struggles of His people under the brutal inhuman European oppressors during colonization and imperialism. The horrible of being kidnapped from their land, the dark holes of dungeons called "The Door of No Return", thrown to the sharks, and the brutal killings and rape of their women and children. The inhumane and brutal slavery, the sufferings and lynching of the Jim Crow days being burned alive and the continued exploitation of these Africans wherever they are on this evil and adulterous planet. Africans suffered a terrible thing at these slave sites, human beings were beaten, raped, brutally murdered, and subjected to any other foul and horrible thing one can imagine evil persons would do to another human. Knowing these things we as a Black people must understand who we are and could be, and return to those ways of our past.

Let me say from the beginning that those of you who have heard me before and after last week you know I do not approve of Christians celebrating this Xmas holiday, AKA "so-called" Christ’s birthday (as if Christ had a beginning). And I personally do not actively celebrate Kwanzaa, however I do support those who do, and have attended some celebrations of Kwanzaa myself. Yet, I find it strange that these Xmas lovers would speak against Kwanzaa because it has some rituals and ceremonies involve in the celebration that can be trace to what they call "pagan" ceremonies of the past. I mean think about, these Christians who spend no small amount of time looking for that "just perfect" evergreen tree (to represent the Eternal Life attribute of God) to set it up in their front room. And then they decorate the tree with lights each year and other memorial gadgets, claiming the lights represent the light of Christ (which is total blasphemy to claim in the first place). They will run around frantically to buy gifts for themselves each year, rather than providing for the poor with this excess money they seem to have. Then they attribute many are God’s attributes to these inanimate characters (i.e. Santa Claus, Reindeers, Xmas trees, etc), and things invented by man each year all in the name of the One True God who dwells in heaven. These same Christians will argue you down or shout over you that their behavior is Scripture, if you question the paganism in their religious celebration. Now, every ritual or ceremony of this Xmas holiday is pagan in nature and origin – and these Christians fight to keep it. Yet, these same Christians would dare to say Black Christians and others should not celebrate Kwanzaa because it has ceremonies and rituals of pagan origin.

As I said before, I really find this strange (yet it is not strange to this world). Now, as I said before and I say again that there’s a deception in this evil and adulterous world and in the churches of this world, which the god of this world has blinded from the truth in God’s Holy word. Also, we have the agents of the evil one seeking to deceive those who celebrate Kwanzaa by defining and trying to make it a religious ceremony. Or to stop those of African descent from celebrating Kwanzaa, which is a cultural celebration. Because they believe it may cause unity in the Black community whom his agents continue to oppress in this society, wherever they are on this evil planet. We as a people of African descent or Hebrew descent or descendants of the kidnapped Africans or West African Hebrews or descendants of ex-slaves or former slaves; I mean whatever we wish to call ourselves. With the exception of the calling of God to His Christ Jesus for the saving of our spirit, above nearly all other things in this society, we as Black people need the knowledge of our identity to attain unity, which were stolen from us in times past.

Kwanzaa as the evidence of its origin will show was developed by and for Black people, especially for the African people in America. And maybe even the whole Diaspora to celebrate in lieu of Xmas in the beginning. And I say, if it was celebrated in lieu of Xmas, then that would be a good thing because this Xmas holiday should not be celebrated by no one not just Black people for its more devastating to your spiritual growth than Kwanzaa. Why? You may ask, well, because these Xmas lovers actually claim they are worshipping the One True Eternal God in heaven. Something those who celebrate Kwanzaa have never claimed in their ceremony and should not claim because God is Spirit; and we as Christians should worship Him in Spirit and Truth for His word is Truth. Most Christians (whether Black or white) who speak against Kwanzaa celebrations see it as being in competition with Xmas and they want you to celebrate Xmas instead. Some even claim Kwanzaa celebrants are trying to add to the Bible by building character through the principles of Kwanzaa instead of the Bible.

Then there are other Christians who have embraced Kwanzaa, and they are trying to make it a religious celebration by using and equating Bible verses to the seven principles of Kwanzaa, which is another BIG no-no for Christians. This behavior would make Kwanzaa a religious holiday as time goes on. We as Christians, I repeat we must not fall into this sway of the evil one. Kwanzaa should not be celebrated with Christian Bible verses or as a religious celebration. Because once Christians try to make it a religious ceremony then the Kwanzaa celebration will cease to be a cultural holiday for the unity of Black people, and for the learning of our identity on this planet. It will be no more than the pagan holiday of Xmas, becoming a time to get material things all in the name of the Living God in heaven and His Christ. And it would alienate those who are not Christians, the agnostics, and those who would call themselves atheists. Something we as a people should not want, for Kwanzaa in its creation meant to unite Black people for a common cause, the betterment of our people.

Kwanzaa as viewed by most Black people and those who celebrate it that I know, sees it as a cultural holiday to bring about unity in the Black community. They also either see themselves as Christians or Muslims or agnostics or whatever else they may call themselves; yet they see Kwanzaa as a way for our people to return to the common goal of our people knowing who we are. Something that we lost after some of us believed we had arrived, and that is this: the African proverb "it takes a village to raise a child". (We are our brother keepers). In that, we are all brothers and sisters with a common ancestry rooted in the God-given commands and traditions of being concern for the needs of others and those who cannot help themselves. Looking out for the interest of others. Does this make Kwanzaa a religious holiday? No more than Black history month or coming together to teach and learn ethics in the workplace or wherever else you may think morals should be taught.

Now, let us look at Kwanzaa seven principles, and you will see why I say these principles are more inline with the teachings and principles in the mainstream religions that I know. (I am not suggesting we use Bible verses in the Kwanzaa holiday only that its principles are inline with most religions I know). Whereas, the pagan traditions of those Xmas lovers promote the attitude of getting material rewards for good behavior (posterity gospel), competition, stealing and lying to attain gifts from themselves.

Kwanzaa: The Nguzo Saba [My notes *]

1) Umoja (Unity) "To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race."

*Now, what is wrong with maintaining one’s family? I see nothing wrong with this other than the word "race", seeing that there is only one race; that is the human race. For the word race was invented by Europeans to replace the word color in describing the peoples of this earth, to support slavery and their myth of evolution, etc.

2) Kujichagulia (Self-determination) "To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves instead of being defined, named, created for and spoken for by others."

*This is clear, as I said earlier we, as a people must learn our identity. And in due time our God and Father will return us to our former identity and ways.

3) Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) "To build and maintain our community together and make our sister's and brother's problems our problems and to solve them together.

*I saw a TV program one night about Kwanzaa it was set in the heart of the projects (or the ghetto or hood or whatever name they call it today). The Kwanzaa principles and purpose were the hope and motivation for the people to get involve in their community; and be concern for those who were killing themselves with guns and drugs. We as Christians who celebrate Kwanzaa must realize that in this world we are Black Christians in the eyes of the world and sad to say in the churches of this world also – and in the world of unbelievers we are Black people first. This principle was used to help solve their immediate problem of "thugs" trying to man-handler a young girl who did not want to be one of them girlfriend. The community made this young woman problem their problem, which in fact it was because these same "young black youths" had the whole community in fear.

4) Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) "To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together."

*How these Xmas lovers can call "cooperative economics" a religious ceremony is beyond me? This is a must if we as a people are going to survive in this capitalist society. Because to many of us begging for jobs and expecting others to be fair in their dealings with us, when the very nature of capitalism is not fair nor ever meant to be. Especially when it comes to the fair treatment of the poor, fatherless, and widows. Those who must work hard to sustain their lives, and depend on the kindness of others for support.

5) Nia (Purpose)
"To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness."

*Here’s one that will help us as a people to attain our place in this world as a people. This last part "in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness" most certainly is not a religious principle, but it is certainly essential in attaining respect in this world.

6) Kuumba (Creativity) "To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it."

*Now, I don’t think anyone would not want to cleanup around his or her neighborhood. I mean, how many people do you know that purposely throw trash in their yard, and you yourself feel a need to live by them or move next door to them? And we should want our children to inherit something beneficial for themselves.

7) Imani (Faith)
"To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle."

*Why is this not something we as a people should feel towards one another? To believe in one another, especially when they wish to do the right thing, and struggle for those needing someone to defend their cause. When one is beaten down, oppressed at every point and the downtrodden all over this evil and adulterous planet by those who both hate and fear them. Why shouldn’t we believe in the righteousness of our struggle to survive and lift this oppression off of our necks? As our people national anthem says, "God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way; Thou who has by Thy might, Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray".

If anyone put these principles of Kwanzaa to practice in their life they will be closer to salvation, than keeping Xmas with its get gifts theme. Read your own Bible and you will see why I say these things, for God is concern for the least among us and those who are oppressed: Isaiah 41:17…"The poor and needy seek water, but there is none, their tongues fail for thirst. I, the LORD, will hear them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them." And again in Psalm 12:5…"For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, Now I will arise," says the LORD; "I will set him in the safety for which he yearns."(NKJV) Kwanzaa teaches one to be concern for their brothers and sisters. "We are our brother keeper".

Just look at the theme of Xmas in contrast to the above principles of Kwanzaa:

Every Xmas the television corporations around the U.S. and other places around the world where this worldly holiday is celebrated puts on old films about the myths and old wives fables surrounding this Xmas holiday. There is one which is commonly called "A Xmas Carol" or "The Grinch who stole Xmas" or some other title with the same basic story line. The basic story line begins something like this: depicting a world where a heartless employer forces his employees to work on Xmas Day. While everyone else is depicted going around buying Xmas trees and gifts for themselves and their children; and this so-called coldhearted employer who has his employees of poor people working in a cold plant or factory while their children are at home with no food or Xmas tree. Oh yea, don’t forget they do not have a turkey or ham to eat either.


In the end, these programs always end with these employers, repenting of their deeds as hard working businessmen in a capitalist society. Giving their employees the day off at least what’s left of it. And they are shown skipping and whistling along to Xmas carols, and seemingly cheerful in giving away turkeys and / or hams and "so-called" Xmas goodies to the poor and needy of the community. Everyone seems to be happy at least for this day, and the people are left with a warm feeling or as they say with the "spirit of Xmas". Believing that this "spirit of Xmas" changed the employer heart that now he or she will not try to squeeze a profit out of the poor workers the next day, which in reality its not true for this capitalist world we live in. Because most in this type of society, believe the working poor and those not able to sustain themselves should not burden them or the government with their bare needs. Even most of the Christians in a capitalist society believe their churches should help the poor and needy with their tithes and offerings, and these churches teaches this to them. Yet, the Holy Scriptures clearly shows men and women of God giving directly to the poor and needy and not to any so-called churches. See my Tithes and Offerings web site.

Just ask yourself how many people in this capitalist society had their gas and electric turn-off in the middle of the winter? How many people who work for many years with Enron only to find out that the moneymakers have wasted their pensions? (And some of these Enron executives claimed to be Christians). Also, how people lost money in the Savings and Loan scandal in the 1980s with no one to defend their cause? All these things are made in the name of making a profit, with the government saying the stock market is a risk but everyone keep giving to your retirement mutual funds. This is not just in this country. (When I say capitalists I mean anywhere in the world where those who claim to be Christians are leading the people and collective responsibility is look upon as something evil). The statistics for the poor and needy in these countries are staggering where they are dying from many preventable causes such as those arising from "poverty". Something the Holy Scripture call upon the society to provide for these people and to defend their cause, in which most Christians claim are their guide to a "way of life".

Let us at look some alarming facts about the Christian nation of the U.S. The Census Bureau reported that poverty in the U.S. increased by 1.7 million Americans who were below the poverty level bring the total to around 34.6 million people living below the poverty level in the United States. Of which about 13 million are children. Making the U.S. the world’s worst in child poverty among the so-called industrialized countries, and it continues to worsen. You can see for yourself at:

Definition: the capitalist system is based on the endless pursuit of profit. With the interests of the common man (those living from day to day on the little of means – the poor or near poor) coming last in the interests of the CEOs of these corporations and billionaires in this society.

The teachings of God’s word if applied by these "so-called" Christians in this capitalist nation and society would eliminate forever the power of the capitalist class to exploit and oppress the majority. I have said it before, and I say it again the theme behind capitalism, that is the endless pursuit of profit is incompatible with the Holy Scriptures – just look around and read your Bible, I pray. For the love of money (profit), is the root of all evil.

Those who consider themselves capitalists and Christian (if there is such a thing) must realize that the Holy Spirit call on us to look out for the interests of others. As it says in:

1 John 3:17… "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?" This is the Holy Spirit through the Apostle John asking this question, and as I have said before I say again, ponder this question "If someone who is rich or powerful claims to be a Christian – just look and see what he or she does with their money and influence?" Are they doing as the rich fool in Luke 12 did? Or are they doing what Zacchaeus did in Luke 19:8-10?

Luke 19… "8 Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold." 9 And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; 10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."

In the Holy Word of God there are no conflicts arising from exploitation of workers and no dog-eat-dog competition. I mean go read it for yourself in your own Bible. You know sometime I wonder that if these capitalists who love competition ever read their Bible especially the story of Abraham and Lot. Please read this story for spiritual understanding.

As for our public services - schools, hospitals, utilities, transportation, parks, highways and roads are falling apart and crumbling under our capitalistic society. And now our "so-called" Christian nation or shall I say government is turning over there upkeep and operations to the corporations to "privatize" government-run, publicly-owned institutions for private profit. I ask this question was not the king of Israel and Judah once the nations who were separated by God in 1 Kings 12 tasked with the responsibly of caring for the least in the land cast out of the promise land for this very thing. As it is written by the prophet Isaiah 3, "13 The LORD stands up to plead, and stands to judge the people. 14 The LORD will enter into judgment with the elders of His people And His princes: "For you have eaten up the vineyard; the plunder of the poor is in your houses. 15 What do you mean by crushing My people And grinding the faces of the poor?" Says the Lord GOD of hosts".

In capitalism, the basis principle (in a nutshell) is to make a profit by acquiring goods or services for low or cheap prices then reselling these goods or services for more than it cost to produce or provide it. If there are any poor to plunder or grind their faces then the capitalist is there to perform this deed in the love of profit.

Now, I know that most of you may wonder why am I so hard on capitalism. Well to answer that, one must read their Bible because God is concern for the poor and needy and so am I, and in a capitalistic society those who accumulate and control the goods and services are not concern for the poor unless they can gain a profit off them. Just look around, unless a person accumulating and controlling the goods and services change their mindset of seeking a profit at all cost, capitalism do not take into account those needing assistance. And there are many that will speak against Kwanzaa by calling it a communist celebration because it advocates collective responsibility, being concern for the needs of others.

"Am I my brother keeper?" We all remember Cain giving this reply to God’s question to him about the whereabouts of Abel his brother, after he had killed his brother Abel because his acts were righteous. Well, the Bible answers this question, as well as does Kwanzaa answers this question for the people who of Black in America. That is: "We are our brother keeper"; and capitalism says you are not your brother keeper – its every man for himself – he who gets the most wins.

Have you not read the story about the rich fool in Luke 12?

In Luke 12:15 Jesus says…"Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses." Do not capitalism fall within the meaning of this Scripture? Ponder on these things and get some understandings.

Now, let us look at some of the things those who speak against Kwanzaa say about it, and some of the background of Kwanzaa:

Some things others will point out or say about Kwanzaa to discourage Christians not to celebrate it:

Posted emailed comments:

Observance of Kwanzaa is only for the PC idiot crowd this time of year, with it's Marxist, anti-Christian intent and message, and the history of its Marxist, virulently racist, sadistic gang leader inventor.

Kwanzaa is a Marxist claptrap, designed to teach communist principles to Blacks, and to divert their attention from Xmas.

Kwanzaa is a lunatic blend of black racism and Marxism. Its seven principles are collectivism in every possible area of Black people lives.

Or they say something like this: "It takes a village to raise…" then they will add, "another word or phrase to ridicule this African phrase and proverb".

Still others who are anti-Kwanzaa say:

Kwanzaa is anti-religion, anti-God, racist and anti-white people, anti-Christian and should not be celebrated by Christians.

Saying Kwanzaa has a set of moral principles to be followed by celebrants, and Christians should follow the Bible only for moral principles.

And the purpose of the Nguzo Saba [the seven principles in Kwanzaa listed above] is to setup a value system.

My note: The principles of Kwanzaa should be practiced throughout the year otherwise why bother to keep Kwanzaa at all for the goal is to establish a way of life directly opposite of this world’s ways.

My note: Unfortunately (which is not surprising), many may claim this is not good for African people to have their own holiday. And that the principles of Kwanzaa should not be aimed ONLY for Black people or African Americans. I ask, do not other nationalities and peoples have their on holidays recognizing their common history? Do we see anyone walking around here claiming Jews should not celebrate Hanukkah because it's only for the Jews (others greet them with Happy Hanukkah). And these anti-Kwanzaa people get angry when the president or some other official or news media greet Blacks or African-Americans with Happy Kwanzaa. (Now isn’t that strange, yet it is not strange once a person understands the deception being carried out on this evil and adulterous planet). For the ancestors of these same Kwanzaa haters stole the history of these same kidnapped Africans, and denied them access to their genealogies any knowledge of their distant ancestors because of the brutal inhumane slavery system in these United States. And now they are biting at the bit to stop Blacks from coming together to share in whatever common history they may have had and to heal the damages of our dark past, our weary years, and the silent tears of our past and present years. May God our Father in heaven continue to carry us, helping us along the way through these trying times, for He has brought us this far and I am fully persuaded He will not forsake us.

My note: Now, there is evidence that Dr. Karenga intended that God would be left out of this celebration as evident in some of his writing. However, this is not a reason to not celebrate non-religious holidays meant to buildup a people and to take pride in their own heritage because the person who invented maybe atheist or may not believe in the established man-made religions. (I used the word "may" here because Dr. Karenga earlier writings speak against religious beliefs – yet some of his later writings today speak somewhat favorable towards "a Creator and spiritual beliefs"). Let's say let us ask Europeans to not celebrate Columbus Day because he massacred 100s of thousands of native people who were in the "so-called" New World when he "so-called" found it. Not to mention the many other days on the American calendar with paganism in their origins, and their inventors we have little or no information on their behavior outside of their myths.

My Note: There are some who say a way of life is a religion, thereby concluding that since Kwanzaa teaches Black people a way to conduct their lives then that makes it a religion; yet I ask this question how many practice their daily life base on their religion? I say this because as many of you have heard me before, I ask this question; so I ask it again. Do you not think it strange when you cannot tell the non-Christian from the Christian in this society most of the time? The Bible says, in James 1:27, "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." How are these so-called Christians following this verse as a way of life? This is the only religion the Bible speaks of, and all other religions on the planet are man-made organizations. For to follow Christ is a way of life not a religion, it is a faith in the promises of God and His Christ. If in fact man-made religions were a way of life, then those who do such things would practice them.

My Note: Christians who are substituting Bible verses with the principles of Kwanzaa are making a BIG mistake in so far as this may in time cause Kwanzaa to cease to be a wholly Black cultural holiday. Thereby making the rituals involve in them religious rather than being ceremonial for a social occasion. And if this happens I must speak against such activities, for God is Spirit.

The ceremonial ritual of pouring out a liquid for the ancestors: This is a ritual performed in paganism to their gods. Therefore, anti-Kwanzaa professing Christians say Black Christians should not celebrate it because of this ritual performed in some Kwanzaa ceremonies because not perform this ritual of pouring out a liquid. Again, I ask these professing Christians and Kwanzaa haters why don't they stop celebrating Xmas, Easter, Saint Valentine's Day, etc? Because the last I heard, these holidays have pagan rituals in them.

In Kwanzaa, libations can be poured from any bottle, cup, bowl or dish. Below are some recital used in some Kwanzaa celebrations. However, there are many celebrants who omit these libations altogether.


Libations [giving honor to ancestors Motherland, elders and youth] it is a tradition to pour after each statement [poured in the direction of the four winds].

For Africa our Motherland we pour, for our ancestors who have struggled for our freedom, we pour. For our elders who have helped to give us wisdom and strength, we pour. For our youth that represent the future of tomorrow, we pour. For remembrance of the many women, men and the human rights struggle on our behalf we pour, for the principles as our guide in our everyday life, we pour, for our Almighty Creator who makes all things possible, we pour.

Then Kwanzaa celebrants may say, Kutoa Majina, the calling of the names of family ancestors, black sheroes and heroes.

And an elder or leader at the ceremonial says the farewell statement or Tamshi LaTutaonana.

Ending with everyone standing, the right arm raised with open hand and while pulling down, [which means pulling together] closes the hand into a fist.

Then chanted [with raised fist] Harambee!, Harambee!, Harambee! (Pronounced "Ha-rum-bay") - A Swahili word for "Let's All Pull Together" or "Let's Get-Together and Push" or "To Work Together".

My note: I ask this question of those who speak against Kwanzaa because water or whatever kind of liquid is poured out for their ancestors and claiming this is ancestors' worship. Who then are those who celebrate "St. Patrick Day" or "St. Valentine’s Day" worshipping? And everyone know women love themselves Valentine’s Day and if you speak against this day that they're worshipping their European ancestor – I say this even though I know many Blacks celebrate this day also but its European in origin and the last time I looked these were European men. Each day were sanctioned by the Catholic Church as holy days to be celebrated – yet today many continue to worship or celebrate these men, not knowing why. I am not saying since Europeans have a holiday worshipping men why not Africans – but I am saying whatever holiday you have and wish to celebrate, it becomes a problem if you consider these celebrations as part of your worship of Living God. Kwanzaa have never been considered a religious holiday even though there is elements that try to make it religious. But, these European holidays were originally religious holidays and there names include the word "saint" meaning the celebrants are worshipping these men given the title of saint by men.

Below are some information about Kwanzaa celebrations (do a web search on Kwanzaa):

Habari Gani? This is the Kwanzaa Greeting!


2. MKEKA - Straw Mat/ symbolizes our African traditions and history.

3. KINARA - CandleHolder (for seven candles)/Symbolizes the continent of Africa, our place of origin and roots.

4. MISHUMAA SABA - Seven Candles (1 BLACK, 3 RED, 3 GREEN)/Symbolize the seven principles of Kwanzaa.

5. MAZAO - Crops/ Symbolize the historical roots of Kwanzaa as a harvest-type/first fruits celebration.

6. MUHUNDI OR VIBUNZI - Ears of corn (at least one)/Symbolize the offspring the children.

7. KIKOMBI CHA UMOJA - Unity Cup/Symbolizes the First Principle of Kwanzaa and is used for pouring libation.

8. NGUZO SABA POSTER - The Seven Principles Poster/Symbolize the key role they play in Kwanzaa.

9. ZAWADI - Gifts (African history-cultural books and/or heritage symbols) Symbolize the key role of education and culture in Kwanzaa.

10.GREEN PLANTS - Symbolize the "oneness" between Africans and Nature.

11.OTHER DECORATIONS EMPLOYING THE AFRICAN MOTIF (ART PIECES, CANDLES, FLAGS, and PICTURES) AND OUR NATIONAL COLORS (RED, BLACK & GREEN) can be used for creating an Afro-centric atmosphere throughout the home.

We are an Afrikan People!
We will remember the humanity, glory and suffering of our ancestors.
We will honor the struggles of our elders.
We will strive to bring new values and new life to our people.
We will have peace and harmony among us.
We will be loving, sharing and creative.
We will work, study and listen so we may learn, learn so we may teach.
We will cultivate self-reliance.
We will struggle to resurrect and unify our homeland.
We will raise many children for our nation.
We will have discipline, patience, devotion and courage.
We will live as models to provide new directions for our people.
We will be free and self-determining.
We are an Afrikan people,
and we will win,
and we will win,
and we will win!


So I pray that we as a people (humankind) will do good towards one another, and especially towards those in need and the oppressed as God Himself and His ’s Holy word says in:

Psalm 12:5… "Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the LORD. "I will protect them from those who malign them." (NIV)

Psalm 72:4… " He will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; he will crush the oppressor." (NIV)

Psalm 72:12… "For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help."(NIV)

Psalm 72:13… "He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death."(NIV)

Isaiah 3:15… "What do you mean by crushing my people and grinding the faces of the poor?" Declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty."(NIV)

Amos 2:6… Judgment on Israel… "This is what the LORD says: "For three sins of Israel, even for four, I will not turn back {my wrath}. They sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals."(NIV)

James 2:5… "Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?"(NIV)

The Greek word "Ptochos" here in James according to Strong’s number 4434 means: "reduced to beggary, begging, asking alms, destitute of wealth, influence, position, honour, lowly, afflicted, helpless, powerless to accomplish an end; poor, needy; lacking in anything; as respects their spirit: destitute of wealth of learning and intellectual culture which the schools afford". The word is translated in the Old Kings James version (KJV) 34 times: poor 30, beggar 2, poor man 1, and beggarly 1. Therefore, it can be no denying the fact that God the Father in heaven and His Christ Jesus has a special place in their heart for the poor and oppressed. And after examining these Scriptures and others, you must if indeed you are under persuasion of the Holy Spirit conclude that you will be judged by your treatment of these same poor and oppressed people on this planet.

In Matthew 25, Christ Jesus gives us parables of His judgment of those who claim to be His servants. Now, the parable in Matthew 25:31-46 is very interesting for it speaks about the poor and those who are not able to fully support themselves, those down on their luck so to speak, the downtrodden of this evil and adulterous society. Christ describes Himself as one of these oppressed and downtrodden people in verse 40, "…Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me", when He responded to those who helped these people who were described by Christ in verses 35-36 in this manner, "35I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me." And to those who did not and refused to help these people because it would be communism of something. I don’t know either way; Christ our Lord rendered them their just do.

As we see here in Matthew 25:41-46: "41 Then He will also say to those on the left hand, "Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.' 44 "Then they also will answer Him, saying, "Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?' 45 Then He will answer them, saying, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.' 46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

I ask these questions which one of these Christians are you? Which one of these Christians do you want to be? Do you still believe providing for the needs of others communism? What do you think Christ mean by this saying, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me"? I mean ask yourself these questions, ponder them, examine yourselves so you want be disqualified after you have run a race by not following the rules of the race.

God Himself pleads the cause of the poor and needy in Isaiah 41 – There He is calling upon us as "real Christians" to be responsible for our fellow human brothers and sisters in need:

Isaiah 41:17…"The poor and needy seek water, but there is none, their tongues fail for thirst. I, the LORD, will hear them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them."Kwanzaa teaches one to be concern for their brothers and sisters.

And there are many more references to the oppressed and needy of the land by God and His people throughout the Holy Bible. Go and read for yourselves, pray that God help you with wisdom and understanding in His holy word.

Kwanzaa is a real celebration of cultural for Black people of African descent in the Diaspora. The fate of this world is caught up in its treatment of their poor and needy people on this planet; and Blacks the world over are oppressed and press down from all sides – the last on most every front in this world. Looked down upon wherever they might be – We as a people were torn from our ancestry land, stripped of our language; and were not allowed to speak our kidnapper language correctly. Nor were we allowed to read or write, retain our identity, our names, and everything else that defines a human being. Then we were forced to endure some of the most cruelest and evil things one can imagine such as brutal oppressive slavery, torture beyond all imagination, being burned alive while those who oppressed our ancestors looked on with great joy, watching us suffer while they entertained themselves. Made to accept a non-person status in life. And today, we are the downtrodden and scum of the earth. But I want you to know today, that God through His awesome and all-knowing power He has heard our ancestors' cries and has seen our oppression today. And He will bring us up out of this terrible plight, as He has done for us in times past during ours and our ancestors weary years, during our people suffering years - for God hears our prays and have heard our cries to Him. God is not going to delay much longer. As the souls of those under the altar of God in Revelation 6:10, let us say, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" And again in Revelation 22:20, "…Even so, come, Lord Jesus."

So I say in the spirit of the Black National anthem, let us continue to:

"Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us" (Let us keep the faith of our ancestors of old). Let us "Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us" (Seeing that today while it is still Day we have hope that God will stand up for those who are oppressed and needy in the land). "Let us march on till victory is won… God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way; Thou who has by Thy might Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. True to our GOD, True to our native land". Amen. Praise God.

This message on the question "Should Christians celebrate Kwanzaa?" was given in part on radio station WFBR 1590AM coming out of Glen Burnie / Baltimore, Maryland area and my Spreaker Page. If you have comments send them to Evangelist Ron Davis, minister of Christ, of the Kush Edifying Ministries.

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