Dear Raymond L.,

Your Comment(s) and Question(s): Dear sir: I want to address a short issue about the black people in society and something that got my ear while studying the bible. I would like to know is in the begining, did not God say that he would make his creatures in Our Likeness. At that time i believe he was speaking about the Jews that he called his own. Now, if i see write, are not the Jewish people white? I really like a man name "Ward Connely becaue he really makes alot of sense when he speaks and he really tells it like it is. That the Blacks are living on a Reputation from there fathers and there hate toward the white. I see alot of crime among the blacks in society today and can you tell me why this is. Ward Connelly, a Black man himself said that the blacks must looks forward and STOP living like when they were in Africa and start living for the future. I hope i did not say anything wrong but there is some very ddisturbing news i read about Blacks and the Bible. Please, i am not a racist man but i have ran into more problems with the black man than the white man. I think i am saying that they are wearing a chip on there shoulders and if there father and mothers don't do something to help there son's and dauthters, instead of co…

My Answer(s): Let me thank you for visiting my web site, and submitting your questions and comments concerning your true feelings towards your fellow human beings. You know before I came into the faith and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, it always amazed me how Caucasian people such as yourself could claim to be "God’s people", and despised their fellow humans. Most Caucasians I met (even after I came into the faith also, such as yourself) always seem to consider themselves superior to others, and they all would claim and actually believe that God was a Caucasian like themselves. Refusing to accept anything that challenge their cherish belief. Now, I exhort you go and get some understanding from these verses: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:3-4 NIV). If in fact, you are God’s people then, why do you and your Caucasian brothers and sisters look down on Blacks and other people of color?

Now, as for you claiming you read the Holy Bible and "something" got your ear. I wish to point out that whatever got your ear it did not come from the Holy Spirit above. Because your first comment that God created His creatures "in Our Likeness", meaning your European ancestors whom you refer to as being the "white Jews" you see today in this present evil age. Here, you have deliberately misquoted the Holy Scriptures to promote your own prejudices against your fellow humans. For it is clearly written that God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness" (Genesis 1:26-27 NKJV). God was clearly referring to Himself and the Word of God, and not some "creatures" called today "white Jews" whom He had not yet created. As the Holy Spirit tells us in John 1, saying, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made" (John 1:1-3). Those whom you and others call "Jews" today were not with God in the beginning before the creation of man. Therefore, you are clearly in error claiming that God created humans in the image of these so-called Jews who are Caucasoid often referred to as "white" today.

I suggest you try reading Genesis 10:2 where the Holy Spirit lists your forefathers, the Caucasian so-called today as "white". And for you to even suggest that God spoke of the Jews when creating both Adam and Eve tells me you have no spiritual understanding beyond this present evil age. For when God spoke these words He created only one man whom He name Adam. And it is beyond all doubt that Adam was NOT a Caucasian. I mean, why would God create a human being with Caucasian features in the middle of Africa? A land made to be ideal for black or dark skinned persons and hostile towards those with no melanin in their bodies. Caucasians do not carry the melanin that is required to absorb the sun’s heat in the heart of Africa. Yes, God set the boundaries for all men before the foundations of the world. As it is written, "From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live" (Acts 17:26 NIV).

Yes, the Holy Spirit clearly says, "I know your works, tribulations, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan" (Revelation 2:9 NKJV). It is clear from history since the painting of Michelangelo and the slave trade that the Greeks and Romans, both of which are Caucasians, have to this day claimed to be the people of God. Yet, this Scripture says, there are a people that claim to be Jews and are not. I ask you a question, whom do you think this Scripture speaks of? Again, what people have suffered tribulations and poverty even until this very moment at the hands are those who claim to be the people of God? Even after Blacks have suffered such inhumane brutal treatment at the hands of their oppressors, they still are willing to forgive as did the Black South Africans after the brutal system of Apartheid was abolished. Yes, Blacks the world over suffer from the sinful system of racism but Blacks are still the most religious and spiritual among all people on this evil and adulterous planet. God says He knows the tribulations and poverty of those who have suffered under these Gentiles who claim to be Jews and Caucasians who claim to be God’s people.

As for Ward Connerly speaking for Black people, while I do not know the man personally, it appears to me that Mr. Connerly speaks for the Caucasians. And I do know that there are many Blacks that work against those that suffer on this evil planet, some knowingly and some unknowingly. As for Connerly crusade against affirmative action, whether it is a system of preferences or not isn’t the question, for there are many preferences given in this evil and adulterous world by far to the Caucasian than the oppressed. But, giving preferences isn’t the question, no it is this: is working to dismantle a system devised to help those who are oppressed on every side something God would want you to do? Is it right for you to plead the cause of the oppressor? Or is it right for you to plead the cause of the oppressed and the poor and needy? For it is clearly written, "For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, Now I will arise," says the LORD; "I will set him in the safety for which he yearns" (Psalm 12:5 NIV). And again, the Holy Spirit tells us God "will bring justice to the poor of the people, He will save the children of the needy, And will break in pieces the oppressor" (Psalm 72:4 NIV). Yes, this I do say that if a person have such time and excess monies then that person would do well by doing the things of God rather than the things of men. For there is much evil in this world and resisting evil is our spiritual duty. I ask should a person spend his life given to him by his Creator to promote the basic principles of this world? Or is it meant to promote love for one another and his God who lives in heaven? Nevertheless, I say if a person sole purpose in life is to attack something that is meant to bring about equality in giving out preferences in this evil and adulterous world then that person life is most miserable indeed. I think Mr. Connerly would do well to follow this admonishment: "Do not envy the oppressor, And choose none of his ways" (Proverbs 3:31 NIV).

Again, it never seeks to amaze me how Caucasians and their supporters always want Blacks to move on and forget the past. For you claim, "that the Blacks are living on a Reputation from there fathers and there hate toward the white". And again quoting Connerly, "a Black man himself said that the blacks must looks forward and STOP living like when they were in Africa and start living for the future". These words tell me that you are guilty of your own evil thoughts towards your fellow humans, and you confess that your own forefathers are guilty by their inhumane, brutal and murderous treatment of Blacks and other people of color. As it is written, "Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. You show love to thousands but bring the punishment for the fathers' sins into the laps of their children after them. O great and powerful God, whose name is the LORD Almighty, great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. Your eyes are open to all the ways of men; you reward everyone according to his conduct and as his deeds deserve" (Jeremiah 32:17-19 NIV). No other groups of people except the Blacks are asked to forget the past. No one asks the "white Jews" to forget the past, and look forward, and to embrace the Nazi and other so-called "anti-Semitic". It’s all right for you and other Caucasians such as the "white Jews" to remember the past. Yet, Blacks are asked to forget the brutal, inhumane enslavement and continued subjection of their lives and murder of their forefathers by your forefathers and now their children. Even your so-called "whites" to this day re-live the days of your war between who would control the poor in these United States so-called the civil war and preserving of the union. Today, the so-called "whites" have a choice: are you going to continue the sins of your fathers? Or are you going to do "what is just and right"? Go and get some learning from the below Holy Scripture, you and your fellow Caucasians today can share the guilt of your fathers or do what is right and just in the eyes of the Holy Father in heaven and His Christ.

As for the injustice system called justice in America, the only justice in America is go to jail "just us", the Blacks. I wish not to get into this endless debate about America being blind to those receiving punishment in this unequal society. I mean, there is no person on this evil planet that sees colors, and claim they do not see. The cops on the street pick and choose whom they arrest. The prosecutors pick and choose whom they prosecute. Both the cops and the prosecutors hide evidence, refuse to investigate, and just have total impunity from being held accountable for their actions. The judges pick and choose what evidence is excluded, and whom they sentence to jail for drug charges, and they have impunity. Yet, you have the nerve to claim your so-called statistics show Blacks commit most of the crime, and not whites. I mean, the very fact that there are more Caucasians in America clearly means they commit more crime than Blacks. Yet, the so-called fair and injustice media in America only report Black crimes over and over again. And have lead the whole world including other Blacks to believe that all Blacks are criminal and should be feared. Yes, there are violent crimes committed in Black neighborhoods but these are committed by a small percentage of Blacks and the vast majority are drug related. And by the very definition of Blacks being a smaller population in America than Caucasians suggests that they do not commit more violent crimes. Most Blacks in prison in America are in there for non-violent drug crimes of using drugs and not as drug dealers. I mean we all know who bring drugs into this country and into the Black community, but you see none of them being arrested. We all know who sell guns to Blacks, but we see none of them being arrested. We all know that "whites" use more drugs than Blacks, yet you do not see them being arrested. We all know that "whites" even hold drug parties where everyone is doing drugs, yet we do not see them being arrested. I could go on and on but suffice it to say when you have a system that pick and choose who is arrested, how can you honestly rely on these false statistics. It is totally dishonest and outright lies against humanity for anyone with any common decency to try and promote this lie concerning crime and justice in this injustice United States of America. This system of injustice in America was setup after the inhumane system of cruelty on Blacks was removed during your so-called "civil war". Just recently, your own fellow Caucasian boys in North Carolina received a taste of the injustice in these United States, and now your oppressive fathers want to punish this oppressor. This prosecutor made the mistake of charging Caucasians with crimes that are routinely made against Blacks with impunity for their own acts of judgment so-called "prosecutor discretion" because the system is designed to jailed whom it pleases, especially Blacks. But will they change this injustice system, and take away the powers of the keeper of the gate to who will be charged for so-called crimes or will they narrow this judgment to protect their own fellow Caucasians?

You say you’re not a "racist". Well, I do not know you personally but your words tell me a lot. First, you make some of the same arguments that most so-called "whites" make, which reveals that you have prejudices against Blacks and others not like yourself. Because if indeed you had God’s Spirit you would not try to argue such dishonest arguments for God’s Spirit would convict your heart of such injustice. Otherwise, you are quenching the Spirit of Christ thereby disqualifying yourself from the faith. And you seem to believe that the Holy Bible speaks negatively of Blacks, which is another lie of Satan, the evil one and his followers. Because Blacks wrote the Holy Bible, and it is written about such Black people you disdain. Those who have stolen Blacks’ identity are guilty of these sins of deception. There are not many original ideals from those who call themselves "whites" except their evil plans to remain in power at all cost, continue this lie about who they are. Everything the Blacks do the rest of the world try to imitate or steal to claim as their own. I ask you how do you explain that if your own Caucasians continue to imitate those they both hate and fear then how can you think you are superior to them? Yes, if you were not deceived by the injustice in America then you would know the meaning of Ecclesiastes 5:8. Which says, "If you see the oppression of the poor, and the violent perversion of justice and righteousness in a province, do not marvel at the matter; for high official watches over high official, and higher officials are over them".

In concluding my discourse with you, there are many more things I could speak to you about, but at this time you would not hear nor see what I am saying, for one must have ears to hear and eyes to see. So, I ask you these questions: If Blacks are not God’s people, then why wherever they are do they suffer oppression by all others on this evil and adulterous planet? Why is it that Blacks cannot receive any justice on this evil planet? Why are Blacks both feared and hated by all others on this evil planet? Why have Blacks been and are the victims of the most inhumane treatment from those who claim to be God’s people? Now, before you answer these questions, I ask you, would not the god of this world reward his followers? For it is written, "the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor". And the evil one called the devil said to Christ Jesus, "All this I will give you’, he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me" (Matthew 4:8-9 NIV). Now, I ask you do you see "whites" being oppressed in this present evil age? Are most "whites" you see poor and needy in this present evil age? No, you do not because your forefathers and their sons and daughters as yourself did not and have not said what Christ Jesus said to the evil one, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only" (Matthew 4:10 NIV). Yes, there are sinners in all colors of people but the oppressor have the greater sin. For God lives among the oppressed and the poor, as it written, "He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, But he who honors Him has mercy on the needy" (Proverbs 14:31 NIV). Again, I say to you if indeed you have the Spirit of God living in you then get some learning from these Scriptures:

Therefore, Mr. Raymond L you would do well for yourself to get down on your knees and ask God for knowledge and understanding of His Holy Word. Not relying on the deception and lies of the evil one of this present evil age. I admonish you to humble yourself and practice justice before your God and my Holy Father in heaven. Do not blame the victims for the sins of your forefathers’ oppressive ways or the oppressors’ sons and daughters who continue this oppression of those who are poor, needy, and the oppressed Black people. Amen. Praise God.


In Christ love,

Ron Davis, minister of Christ