Mission Statement
We, the Kush Edifying Ministries, seek to free all peoples from ignorance and misinformation about the Holy Scriptures, especially those who are descendants of the kidnapped Africans brought to America (Deut. 28, Ezek. 30:9-10). We, the Kush Edifying Ministries believes the whole world has been led astray by the evil one using deception and misinformation (Rev. 12:9). Therefore, our primary purpose is to remove this deception and ignorance by promoting and instructing our community, and those with ears to hear and eyes to see in the truth of Elohim (GOD) as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. We believe the truth which is the Word of Yahweh, His Son the Messiah, will truly make us free (John 1:17, 8:32, 14:6 and 17:17); both us the oppressed and those who are oppressors in this physical realm from the forces of evil and the evil one. For our battle is not with flesh and blood, but as it is written with the demons and the spiritual darkness in this evil world (Ephesians 6:12).
We believe that true religion is defending the cause of the weak and fatherless, and improving the lives of the poor and oppressed in the world, and keeping ourselves spiritual free from the religions of this world called by the spiritual name Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth, her harlots are also known spiritual as her daughters (James 1:26-27 and Rev. 17). For it is written in Scripture, our ELOHIM lives among the poor and oppressed (Matthew 25). When we forget the needy, we show contempt for Elohim, the Maker of us all (Proverbs 14:31).
Therefore, we in the Kush Edifying Ministries seek to put into practice what the Scripture says concerning the poor and the oppressed of the Land. If we have material possessions (and claim to have spiritual gifts); and then see the poor and the oppressed of the land in need; yet, we show no pity for them, how then can we claim to have the love of Elohim in us (John 13:29; Galatians 2:10; James 2:14-26 and I John 3:16-18)?
We, the Kush Edifying Ministries, believes just as ELOHIM in history chose a downtrodden, oppressed enslaved people as His very own chosen nation; and Yahweh my Elohim as the Man Yahushua the Messiah came into the world to take on the nature of a poor and oppressed people of Israel, namely the tribe of Judah. Therefore, we as believers must take up the cause of the poor and the oppressed of the land, for Yahweh have in the past and today still lives among the poor and those without or with little means to support themselves, and upon taking up the cause of these oppressed and poor people we will be on the side of El Almighty.
As chapter 25 of the book of Matthew, in the Holy Scriptures give us the judgment of Yahweh concerning our treatment of those in need (especially those who claim to be Christians). For if we know the word of Elohim, and do not do what it say we will receive the greater punishment (Luke 12:35-48). We, the Kush Edifying Ministries believe we as believers in Elohim are tested and judged on how we treat the poor, the needy, and the oppressed in this world.
We, the Kush Edifying Ministries, call upon all who believe and trust in Yahweh our Elohim (GOD) to choose the side of the poor and oppressed in their community. For Elohim Himself lives among those in need, and He have in the past taken up their cause; and will do it again now and in the future our Elohim and Father Yahweh in heaven and His Son the Messiah, our Savior will take UP the cause of the poor and oppressed in this world, the least of these our fellow humans.
Yahweh our Elohim will once again set His Hand to bring His people back to the Promise Land; therefore, we, the Kush Edifying Ministries call upon all peoples everywhere to return to Yahweh our Father in heaven and His Son the Messiah, especially those whose ancestors were brought to this land in chains (Isaiah 11:10-12). We, exhort you as Christians to align yourselves with those in need for this is your calling to do good works prepared beforehand for you by Yahweh since the foundation of this world. Amen. Praise Yahweh.