Emailed Questions and Comments
Radio Program Ministry starts every Sunday at 2pm on WFBR 1590 AM - Use Tune-In App to listen anywhere with internet.
Have you ever wondered and asked these questions, who are the people in the Bible? Or what did they look like? Is the Bible the white man’s Bible? Is it important to know what color the people of the Bible are? What about the real color of Yahweh’s Son, the Messiah? Why the churches of this world use mages in their worship of Elohim (God) the Father Yahweh and His Son, Yahushua, the Messiah?
(See John 4:23-24, Deut. 5:8-10, 1 Cor. 10, Rev. 18:4, 2 Cor. 6:16-18, and Gal. 5:19-21).
The Kush Edifying Ministries proclaims the whole counsel of Yahweh. This ministry believes in the command of His Son, the Messiah to His disciples in Matthew 10:7-8 “As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (NIV). His Son, the Messiah commands us to “freely” preach the word without demanding that those preached to give you a tithe or tenth of their earnings. “For if I do this willingly, I have a reward…That in preaching the gospel, I may make the gospel of His Son, the Messiah without expense [by not demanding an offering from you], so that I may not abuse my authority in the gospel.” For if I do not receive an offering from you, should I stop preaching the gospel to you? “Woe to me, if I stop preaching the gospel… What then is my reward?” (See I Corinthians 9:15-18).
Are we now created a little lower than the angels?
Are Christians required to speak in tongues?
Are we cursed for not tithing?
Comment: MisGuided Caucasian (white) Person.
Comment: Answer to Re-thinking my Tithing position.
Does God have good and evil in Him?
What’s the Bible teachings on churches dues?
Comment: Giving freely to ministries and churches.
How long was the length of the Man Jesus’ Ministry on Earth?
Is there a reference to Cleopatrain in the bible?
Why aren’t we supposed to eat pigs and shellfish?
What are the Scriptures on Human Nature?
Is Paying Guest Speakers Scriptural?
What to do about giving and making offerings in a congregation?
I am Confused about paying tithes and giving offerings!
How do we maintain the upkeep of our congregation without tithes?
Do unbelievers or other religions go before Christ Jesus?
What to do after learning about women ministers and tithing?
How did God come up with ten-percent for tithing?
Why Christians suffer and evil people prosper? Answered prayers?
Who was “Kush” in the Holy Bible?
I have studied a lot about tithing, yet still not satisfied!
What does “the husband of one wife” mean in 1 Timothy 3:2?
Was the Garden of Eden in heaven first? The 144,000 in the Bible?
Is masturbation acceptable for Christians?
Does the Bible speak about Muslims or Muhammed?
What’s Tithes and Offerings used for?
Comment: The doctrine of tithing and the deception of the evil one.
Is being a practicing homosexual a sin?
Why Christians observe Thursday as the Last Supper?
Malachi 3:10 Explained: What does it mean to bring in the meat?
What about the Rapture and Second Coming?
Did these words change the “Tithe belongs to the Lord”?
Do Non-Christians receive Eternal Life even if good works are done by them?
What should I give to my church from my income?
“Famine of God’s word” in Amos 8:11 come to pass yet?
How to gain wisdom and understanding from God the Father?
What should I do about my pastor behavior Part I?
What should I do about my pastor sinful behavior Part II?
Are marriages between cousins okay with the Bible?
How old is the Bible? What color are the people in the Bible?
What do I have to do to be saved?
Do Hebrews 7:8 say Christ Jesus receives the tithe today?
What are the Two Promises of God?
Which was the first and real religion? Is it Catholic?
Is Christianity connected to other religions?
When did Jesus choose His disciples?
Does the Holy Bible say Church and State must be separated?
Saying Jesus is the Son of God – Does this make you NOT an “antichrist”?
When we die will all of life questions be answered?
Who was Kush in the Bible and What Information is there on him?
If you want to argue your own “private interpretation”, then please send it to the below email address with your Scripture backing up what you say. Thanks, and may Yahweh my Elohim bless you in understanding His Holy and righteous Word, His Son, the Messiah Yahushua.
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